P.S. 好久没有码100行+的程序了,调试起来非常的虚。是我见识太狭隘还是代码风格太简洁还是做的都是水题?
P.S.2 题目描述里引用了《爱因为在心中》的歌词,挺喜欢这首歌的…~
P.S.3 不要理程序里的那个prim,一脑残忘记拓扑排序叫什么了,不是最小生成树…
program vijos_p1626;type ty=record x,y:integer; end;var map,map2:array[1..1000,1..1000] of word; scc,low,s,w,d:array[0..1000] of integer; v,sc:array[0..1000] of boolean; jl:array[0..10000] of ty; n,m,i,j,x,y,top,ans,t,ans2_0,ans_t:integer;procedure tarjan(u:integer);var i:integer;begin v[u]:=true; inc(top);s[top]:=u;sc[u]:=true; inc(t);d[u]:=t;low[u]:=t; for i:=1 to n do if map[u,i]<>0 then begin if v[i]=false then begin tarjan(i); if low[i]j) then begin inc(r[j]); inc(c[i]); end; top:=0; for i:=1 to n do if (r[i]=0) and (scc[i]=i) then begin inc(top); stack[top]:=i; if c[i]=0 then begin writeln('-1'); halt; end; end; while top>0 do begin now:=stack[top];dec(top); if (c[now]=0) and (top<>0) then begin writeln('-1'); halt; end; for i:=1 to n do if map2[now,i]=1 then begin dec(r[i]); if r[i]=0 then begin inc(top); stack[top]:=i; end; end; if top=0 then begin ans2_0:=stack[1]; break; end; end;end;begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(jl[i].x,jl[i].y); map[jl[i].x,jl[i].y]:=1; end; fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false); fillchar(w,sizeof(w),0); for i:=1 to n do if v[i]=false then tarjan(i); for i:=1 to n do begin inc(w[scc[i]]); if w[scc[i]]=2 then inc(ans); if w[scc[i]]=1 then inc(ans_T); end; writeln(ans); if (ans=0) then begin writeln('-1'); halt; end; if (ans=1) and (ans_t=1) then ans2_0:=scc[1] else begin for i:=1 to m do map2[scc[jl[i].x],scc[jl[i].y]]:=1; { xiao xin huan} ans2_0:=-1; prim; end; for i:=1 to n do if scc[i]=ans2_0 then write(i,' ');end.
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Accepted, time = 30 ms, mem = 4704 KiB, score = 100